The Stunning Cotton Candy-Esque Flower That'll Add Color To Your Shady Garden

Create a Willy Wonka-esque garden with the help of a beautiful flower called astilbe. This delicate flower features plume-like fronds with a distinct cotton candy appearance that will light up any outdoor space. If you require more shade-loving perennials to brighten up shaded areas of your garden, look no further than astilbe. Also called false spirea and false goat's beard, astilbe is a clump-forming, herbaceous plant. 


This genus of flower consists of many species, with some native to Asia, like Astilbe chinensis from China and Astilbe japonica from Japan. Check that the variety of this pretty, summer-blooming plant that you choose is considered non-invasive in your area. A North American species, Astilbe biternata, grows naturally in mountainous regions in the southeastern U.S., particularly Appalachia.

Whichever species you decide to grow, astilbe adds visual interest to your shaded landscapes. There are early- and late-blooming varieties, meaning you can plant a mixture of astilbe cultivars that will bloom from late May through early August. For the best results, ensure partial shade conditions with a little sun. The soil should be rich and moist to avoid browning and encourage flowers. Do not attempt to grow it in dry or clay soil without amending the soil thoroughly.


The bright plumes of astilbe will make your garden sing

Astilbe comes in a variety of lovely cultivars, with bright color options to suit your outdoor designs. Typical flower colors include violet, pink, and white, but variations abound. For a bright red boost to your garden, consider cultivars like 'Fanfare' or 'Red Sentinel.' Add pinks that really resemble cotton candy, including the soft pink 'Finale' and the peachy pink 'Peach Blossom.' 


The foliage of the astilbe also varies between bronze-green and reddish green, with attractive, fern-like fronds beneath the sprays of fluffy flowers. Discover firsthand the reasons gardening is good for your health after you start growing vibrant flowers like astilbe to brighten your day and mood. 

Planting astilbe will do more than brighten up shady areas of your yard. It's also an ideal flower to attract pollinators and make all the bees come buzzing to your garden. The tiny flowers that make up each plume easily attract many pollinators seeking pollen. You'll have not only the benefit of visual interest in your garden but also the great impact of feeding pollinators that are beneficial for your other flowers and plants. Astilbe also attracts hummingbirds with its sweet nectar and bright blooms, making it a great plant to help turn a shade garden into a hummingbird hotspot.


