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The Stunning Flowering Perennial That'll Make The Perfect Ground Cover

Whether you are looking to plant ground cover in your flower beds, create a no-mow yard, or grow grass in shady areas, golden star may be just what you're looking for. Also known as green-and-gold or golden knee, this stunning flowering perennial makes the perfect ground cover for a wide variety of situations. Given it is native to a wide portion of the southern and eastern United States, it is readily available, plays well with other plants, and is a non-invasive species.


Though it is not invasive, golden star will spread. However, it is not aggressive and its spread is easily controlled. This makes it ideal for use along walkways, as well as in gardens and beds. Additionally, it is very drought-tolerant and can thrive in shade and sun. This plant can also deal with a wide range of temperatures and requires little in the way of fertilization outside the occasional dose of compost.

Planting and growing golden star is relatively easy as well. It is best to put nursery-grown plants in the ground during spring, spacing them a foot or so apart. As your stand of golden star gets established, it will spread somewhat. However, pruning back is as simple as cutting off excess growth or digging up clumps that have moved beyond their intended area. Conversely, if you want to propagate your golden star, simply divide the plants with an appropriate shovel – like a Fiskars Transplanting Spade – and replant them where you want additional ground cover.


Benefits of planting golden star in your yard

Beyond adding ornamental color to your yard and garden, there are several benefits to planting golden star. One of its primary contributions is to attract pollinators. Since it is a good source of nectar, bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds will all be buzzing around the golden star flowers, adding to the diversity of your backyard ecosystem. Golden star will also attract a variety of other insects you want in your garden. These beneficial insects tend to help control destructive bugs. An array of small animals and birds will appreciate the shelter provided by golden star as well.


Because it tends to form dense mats, golden star is also a very effective form of erosion control, making it an ideal choice for areas that are prone to runoff or where the soil needs stabilization. Additionally, since it is non-invasive, it can be accented with a wide range of companion plants such as ferns, coral bells, Indian pink, and crested iris. This allows for a great deal of flexibility in landscape design and makes golden star a great choice for mixed gardens incorporating native plants. Of course, perhaps the biggest benefit of all is that it is incredibly low maintenance and able to handle virtually any conditions that come its way.

