Easily Create A Mosquito Trap With The Help Of A Black Bucket, Water And Oil
Mosquitoes are not only super annoying but they are also dangerous — they're actually the animal responsible for the highest number of global deaths each year. Unfortunately, while we might try our best to keep these bloodsucking insects away from our homes, there are some things that may still cause mosquitoes to swarm in your yard, like a nearby pond or other source of standing water. However, instead of allowing mosquitoes to make you rethink the addition of a birdbath to your yard or forgo your dreams of ever building a koi pond, you can use standing water to your advantage to easily create a trap for these grating insects. The best thing about this trick is that all you need are things you probably already have: a black bucket, water, and oil.
To set up the trap, all you need to do is fill your bucket with water and then add a layer of linseed oil (or any cooking oil like olive oil or canola oil) on top. The idea behind this trap is that mosquitoes are drawn to standing water as a place to lay their eggs; however, with a layer of oil on top of the water, the mosquitoes will get stuck once they land on the surface and will drown in the bucket instead of laying their eggs and flying away. The oil will also effectively kill any mosquito larvae that do manage to end up in the water by blocking their access to oxygen. So, this trap will solve your mosquito problem by not only killing them, but also preventing any new mosquitoes from emerging.
What to know before you try it
Before you use this oil trick to kill mosquitoes, it is important to know that this trap can also be harmful to birds because they like to bathe in standing water. As a result, the oil in the trap will harm their feathers. So, when using this trick, it is important to make sure that birds can't reach it or see it. You can do this by putting the bucket in a cardboard box with the lid slightly ajar or by placing a chicken wire cage over it. It is for this reason you should also never add a layer of oil to your birdbath. Instead, it is best to simply add a water feature to the birdbath to banish mosquitoes by disrupting the water and keeping it moving. The same goes for fish ponds.
Something else that is important to know before trying out this trap is that it really only works on female mosquitoes (the ones that plan to lay eggs in standing water). This may seem like a good thing because only female mosquitoes bite, but the bad side is that they tend to bite before they lay their eggs. This means that the mosquitoes you will catch in your water and oil trap have likely already bitten you or someone else. So, the trap won't be able to stop the first bite, but it will at least be able to keep that same mosquito from biting you again or using your blood to create more mosquitoes.