If You're Struggling To Grow Grass In Your Shady Yard, Try This Ground Cover Instead

Sometimes grass just won't grow in shady parts of a yard. Other times, it sprouts inconsistently, leaving bare patches that aren't the most attractive. If either of these problems sound familiar, or if you're seeking shade-loving grass alternatives for a no-mow lawn, consider hardy ferns. These fuss-free plants are ideal for beginning gardeners and almost anyone seeking a low-maintenance ground cover.


In the wild, hardy ferns grow in parts of forests that receive minimal sunshine. Some types suffer frond damage or grow too densely when exposed to full sunlight, so sites with full or partial shade are often a good fit when landscaping a yard. Many fern varieties can tolerate frigid winter weather and wet soil, but a few — lip ferns, for instance — can deal with hot, dry climates. Choosing a fern that's native to your region is a smart choice since it will be accustomed to local temperatures, weather patterns, and wildlife.

Many woodland species, including the hay-scented fern (Dennstaedtia punctilobula), don't mind nibbles from hungry rabbits. Plus, deer tend to avoid them. Some varieties, such as the cinnamon fern (Osmundastrum cinnamomeum), can even grow beneath black walnut trees (Juglans nigra), which emit a chemical that kills most plants that try to become its neighbors. In other words, ferns are almost as versatile as they are resilient. Sound appealing? Exploring the features and preferences of different hardy ferns is a sensible next step.


Hardy fern varieties to consider

Hardy ferns are an easy way to add texture and movement to a landscape. The lofty, plume-like fronds of ostrich ferns (Matteuccia struthiopteris) can add drama as well. These plants handle cold temperatures like champs, thriving in USDA hardiness zones 3 to 7. They also tolerate many soil conditions and planting sites, including low-lying areas where water accumulates.


Hart's tongue ferns (Asplenium scolopendrium) are simple to grow if you give them plenty of shade and slightly damp soil. Their wide, bright-green leaves have lustrous surfaces and wavy edges that bring visual interest to your lawn. As long as their roots don't become waterlogged, they tend to dodge diseases and pests. They prefer warmer climates than ostrich ferns, performing best in hardiness zones 5 to 9.

If you love fancy fronds, consider welcoming autumn ferns (Dryopteris erythrosora) into your yard. In addition to offering eye-catching leaf shapes, their color changes from pinkish to green to bronze as the seasons shift in hardiness zones 5 to 8. Also known as Japanese shield ferns, these plants shine as a ground cover and in shady corners of perennial gardens.


