Pack This Kitchen Spice For Your Next Camping Trip To Help Keep Bears Away

Given that four-fifths of the states in the U.S., every territory and province in Canada except Prince Edward Island, and several states in Mexico have a viable population of black or brown bears — or both — there is a good chance anyone camping in North America will be in the presence of some type of dangerous bears. With that in mind, those camping or adventuring in bear country need to take precautions such as making noise to avoid bears when hiking, properly storing food and trash, and carrying bear spray and knowing how to use it


It is also important to avoid mistakes that attract bears to campsites and know how to cook safely while camping in bear country. When it comes to cooking, many may not realize a popular spice can not only add some flavor to your campfire meals but also work as an effective bear deterrent. So, it's a good idea to pack this kitchen spice for your next camping trip to help keep bears away.

Cayenne pepper can keep bears away from campsites

Oftentimes, those looking to add a little heat to the flavor profile of their meals turn to cayenne pepper. The same substance that makes food spicy hot can also be effectively used to repulse a number of creatures. In fact, it has long been a practice to sprinkle red pepper flakes in gardens to repel insects and rodents. Red peppers are also the main ingredient in the aforementioned bear spray. Key to the power of the cayenne pepper to both add spice to food and cause critters to turn away is a natural chemical compound known as capsaicin. The more capsaicin a pepper has, the hotter it will be. Capsaicin is also known to irritate the eyes and nasal passages of many creatures.


When it comes to bears, the most common implementation of cayenne pepper is with bear spray, or bear mace as it is sometimes called. However, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, another method that campers use is to sprinkle ground cayenne pepper around the perimeter of their campsite. The premise behind this method is that as bears sniff their way along toward a campsite, they will inhale some of the offensive pepper dust and turn away.

Other household products that send bears running

While the U.S.D.A. suggests campers have had some success employing a perimeter of cayenne pepper around their campsites, it is not the only household product that can be used to keep bears out of your camp. There are several common cleaning products that repel bears, including Pine-Sol. Simply wiping down hard surfaces with these cleaners can be an effective bear deterrent. Ammonia keeps bears away from campsites as well. Campers can wipe down surfaces with ammonia-based cleaners or place sponges and rags soaked in ammonia around their campsite. As is the case with red peppers, these products are effective because a bear's sense of smell is so strong — well more than 100 times stronger than that of a human.


Another common household product that can help keep bears from making themselves at home in your campsite has nothing to do with scent. Rather, it relies on sound to keep bears away. Just as you might leave a TV or radio playing in your house or apartment when you're out to make it appear as if someone is home, you can use a radio to keep bears away from campsites. Since bears are typically skittish in the presence of people, a radio emitting the sound of human voices is often enough to make them reconsider entering camp while you're gone.

