This Multifunctional Tool Is A Camping Essential For Keeping Cool In The Heat

Summer is the perfect time to go camping. Unfortunately, it's also the hottest part of the year in the United States. Depending on where you camp, the summer days may create a rather miserable trip as the sun beats down on you. If you want to make the most of your camping adventure and not be stuck hiding in the shade during the hottest parts of the day, you need to find a way to keep cool, even when on the move. Unfortunately, most ways to cool down, like AC, high-powered fans, and swamp coolers, require power, and they're not items you can easily take with you on a hike. Even the more portable options, like neck cooling towels, only last a few hours, if that long, before they need to be refrozen. 


If you're looking for something that's portable, doesn't require power, and can be reused several times without having to be cooled again, @campthropology on TikTok provides a great solution that works even when temperatures creep above 100 degrees Fahrenheit.

All you need is one little tool, a portable mister that doesn't require any batteries to operate. With this, you can keep cool at your site and out on walks, especially when you are camping in hot, dry areas. While misters don't work quite as well in humid locations, pairing it with a fan or a nice breeze may still give you some relief, according to Dauenhauer Plumbing

Why the mister is a great camping addition

In the video, @campthropology shows all the ways he uses the mister. Just like you would use misters to keep cool while enjoying your backyard, using one while camping makes being outside during the hottest parts of the day much more tolerable, especially in dry environments. 


It works the same way as a handheld mister you'd see in a park, but it holds more water and has several nozzles to fully saturate the surrounding area. As he shows, this makes it ideal for many different situations. You can take it with you while hiking to keep not only you, but your entire group, cool. The mister also works as a personal humidifier while you're in the sun near your campsite. 

Because this one has a lock that allows you to mist for a few minutes on its own, it works well when combined with a small, battery-operated fan. Just set the mister in front of the fan, and let both run. The fan will help spread the mist further, so you can cool down a whole area. To make the effect last longer, a sun shade, tarp, or awning will help reduce the worst effects of the sun. When using the mister, you may have to apply sunscreen more often than normal if you are swimming, sweating, and getting wet, as these activities may reduce sunscreen effectiveness down to 80 minutes instead of the standard 120. 


The mister can do more than keep you cool

While keeping cool during the summer is the main reason to use this handy little mister, it's not the only way you can use it. When camping, you often have a limited amount of water. Washing dishes, cooking, drinking, and cleaning all take up plenty of water, especially if you also decide to wash your clothes while camping


If you're someone who hates your feet being dirty before bed, your mister can come in handy yet again. The tool allows you to wet your feet so you can wipe them down without needing a lot of water. It's also great for a quick rinse of your hands, though you should still use soap and water when you need your hands really clean.

It also works for pets. Dogs step on all sorts of items, some quite disgusting, which they'll then track into your tent or camper. To keep your sleeping area clean, you can also use the mister and a towel to wipe off the worst of the grime. Sure, they have tools designed specifically for getting mud and dirt off of dog paws, but they use a lot more water. And, if you already have the mister, there's no point in buying a specialized tool when this one will work just fine and serve other purposes at the same time. 


