Keep Hummingbirds Cool And Hydrated By Adding This Water Feature To Your Yard

Hummingbirds are not only quick and beautiful little birds but are also important pollinators that are beneficial to the health of your yard and garden. On top of being ecologically important, these territorial and lightning-fast iridescent birds are an absolute joy to watch. Because of this, many of us try to do certain things to attract more hummingbirds to our yards — whether that is by adding more red garden decorations, hanging up plenty of feeders, reducing noise levels, or planting more pollinator-friendly native flowers. However, one thing that most people don't know about hummingbirds is that they love water but struggle to bathe in traditional bird baths which are too large and deep for them.


So, to bring more hummingbirds to your yard, you can add a bathing system that they can actually use — the best of which is a simple water mister. In fact, hummingbirds love bathing in misters and they do so by flying back and forth through the mist and rubbing their small bodies on wet leaves to get clean. These misters can also help keep hummingbirds cool on hot summer days and wash away any sticky pollen from their beaks and feathers.

How to add a hummingbird mister to your garden

The best thing about adding a water mister to your garden (besides attracting more hummingbirds) is that it serves a dual purpose of also watering your plants. Plus, basic water misters are pretty affordable and easy to find. If you want to buy your mister in person, you can head to your local garden center. You can also find plenty of mister options that are specifically made for hummingbirds and other pollinators sold online.


Then, once you have your mister, connect it to your hose and set it up over an area of your garden that could use more water. You can even run the mister up a tree, so that it soaks a larger area of the garden and you don't have to water as much. Once your mister is set up, simply switch your hose on in the early morning and evening when hummingbirds are most active and likely to be out and about looking for food. If you are worried about forgetting to turn the mister on or off, you can always buy a hose timer attachment and set the mister to turn off and on at specific times during the day.

