Here's How Strong A Grizzly Bear Really Is

Bears are large, lumbering creatures. Their calm and slow demeanors often make them look peaceful, almost friendly, despite their very serious threat. But bears can become quite strong and aggressive when the need arises, and while they usually move slowly, they're much faster than the average person realizes. 


Grizzly bears are one of the most dangerous types of bears when they're ranked by danger level, second only to the polar bear. However, since grizzly bears are in contact with people far more often than their more remote cousins, they likely have the most casualties and attacks to their name. 

It's not just the fact that they interact with people a lot that makes them seem so dangerous. Grizzly bears are strong and aggressive and tend to attack people more than other bears. For example, in the United States, the other common bear species you'll come across regularly is the black bear. In fact, though the black bear is the more common of the two species, the grizzly is more likely to attack people. This is because, when they're frightened, a grizzly is more likely to charge or attack instead of running away, especially if cubs are involved. 


A grizzly bear's strength

Montana State University decided to test the strength of grizzly bears in 2006. After a series of experiments, they found that a grizzly can be anywhere between two-and-a-half to five times stronger than the average human. Additionally, their bite is terrifyingly strong. If one manages to get its teeth on you, its bite force is 1,000 psi (pounds per square inch), plenty strong to do some serious damage. In comparison, dogs like German shepherds only have a bite force of 238 psi. When their strength, sharp claws, and powerful bite are combined, there's no doubt these creatures are incredibly dangerous and deadly. 


While that shows the average grizzly bear is already pretty strong, it's not the worst of it. These numbers are just based on bears messing around. If a grizzly was enraged, or trying to protect its cubs, the animal could be much stronger thanks to a surge of adrenaline. Even those experienced when it comes to dealing with grizzly bears struggle with these animals. For example, the brutal bear attack "Life Below Zero" star Sue Aikens survived came from a grizzly bear. 

Thankfully, though grizzly bears are aggressive, they aren't always looking to attack people. For the most part, unless they feel threatened or are very hungry, they generally won't bother you if you don't bother them and their cubs. About 70% of grizzly attacks are from a mom defending her cubs, according to the North American Bear Center


Grizzly bears are also fast

Another reason grizzly bears are dangerous is due to their speed. Grizzly bears are fast as well as strong. Field and Stream reported that they can run up to 35 miles per hour for short sprints and can maintain a speed of 25 to 28 mph for as long as two miles. Looking at it a different way, Usain Bolt, the world's fastest sprinter, has speeds of just under 28 miles per hour when he's at his best. 


When you combine their ridiculous strength with their speed, it's no surprise that grizzlies are considered so dangerous. There is little chance of outrunning or overpowering one on a normal day, much less when it's angry. That's why it's a good idea to carry bear spray when hiking in bear country. Still, if you're attacked by a grizzly bear, it's advised to play dead instead of trying to scare them off or run away. Of course, it's much better to avoid bears whenever possible by being aware of your surroundings and keeping food in your campsite sealed carefully than trying to figure out how to escape one that is already irritated.

