Bears May Avoid Midnight Snacking If You Add This Water Feature To Your Yard

In some areas of North America, summer means bear season because that's when these giant omnivores are out roaming looking for food and snacks to fatten themselves up for the winter. While seeing a bear in the wild might be an incredible once-in-a-lifetime experience, it's probably not an animal you'd want to find wandering around in your backyard. This is because wild bears are not only extremely destructive but also those that have been conditioned to expect food from humans can become aggressive and dangerous to people and pets. This is why — if you live in bear country — it is so important to take active steps to keep these large animals away from your home.


However, because hurting an innocent bear is not something most of us want to do (and may even be illegal depending on the type of bear and its danger level), it is important to look for humane ways to keep these giant garbage stealers out of your yard. One of the easiest ways to do this is with a motion-activated sprinkler. Motion-activated sprinklers are a great bear repellent because they have enough power to startle a bear and send it running away without causing harm. Plus, since bears are more active in the evening, you can set your sprinkler to turn on only at night and keep your yard safe while you sleep.

How to use sprinklers to keep bears away for good

While motion-activated sprinklers are a great way to startle bears and send them scrambling out of your yard, they are not a permanent deterrent. In fact, the research shows that "bears will learn to ignore these types of devices" once they discover the sprinklers are "all bark, no bite," according to Colorado Parks & Wildlife. This is why it is important to take other precautions in addition to installing your motion-activated sprinkler system to keep the bears away for good. This can include buying bear-proof trash cans or enclosing your trash inside a bear-proof structure, rethinking bird feeders, and making sure compost piles are far away from your house.


These measures will help make your yard smell less attractive to a bear and — along with adding a surprise sprinkler — will ensure that once the bear is scared off it won't be enticed to return. Unfortunately, bears that are initially scared off after getting wet the first time may return and brave their way past the sprinkler if your yard is full of easy food. 

