This DIY Mixture Banishes Moles From Your Garden With Ingredients You Already Have
While all garden pests are destructive in their own way, no unwanted garden critter is as uniquely annoying as a mole. This is because a single mole can easily destroy the roots of your flowers and vegetables with its labyrinth of underground tunnels and, even if said mole doesn't manage to destroy your plants, its tunnels can make convenient passageways for voles and mice which will finish the job. Unfortunately, even if you do your best to avoid any of the mistakes that draw moles to your yard and plant plenty of mole-repelling daffodils and anti-pest bulbs of garlic, you may still have a hard time evicting a hungry mole. In this case, it's time to stop playing defense and start playing offense.
However, despite how destructive and annoying they may be, most of us don't necessarily want to kill these innocent creatures. Luckily, there is an easy DIY mole repellent that is not only non-lethal but can also be made using ingredients you likely already have in your kitchen — castor oil, dish soap, and cayenne pepper. This mixture works because it not only smells awful to the sensitive noses of moles but can also upset their stomachs and make them feel miserable if they decide to try and stick around.
How to banish moles from your property with home ingredients
To make your DIY mole repellent, you should first combine ¼ cup of castor oil with two tablespoons of liquid dish soap and one tablespoon of cayenne pepper. Once these three ingredients are combined, go ahead and add the mixture to a gallon of water and stir well. The cayenne pepper is optional and some recipes don't include it; however, others like to include it to give the mixture a bit of an extra kick.
Now that you have created your mole repellent, you can choose how you'd like to apply it. If you aren't sure where the mole is tunneling but have spotted one wandering around your lawn, you can pour the mixture into a spray bottle and apply it to your entire yard. None of the ingredients in this mixture are harmful to plants or grass when used in moderation. On the other hand, if you do know where the mole tunnels are, the most effective option is to pour the mixture directly into the entrance of each one. When using this method, it's a good idea to flood the tunnel and also soak the ground around the entrance. You may need to repeat this process once a week until the moles have been completely evicted from your property.