Keep Mosquitoes At Bay By Attracting This Other Bug To Your Yard

Mosquitoes have long been the bane of those who love spending time outside. Whether they are in a backyard or the backwoods, when people are outdoors, they are very likely to encounter mosquitoes. This is because every U.S. state and territory has them. According to the Center for Disease Control, there are more than 200 varieties of mosquitoes scattered throughout the United States. These pests are much more than just a nuisance, as a dozen types of mosquitoes found in the U.S. are capable of spreading dangerous diseases such as West Nile, Dengue, Zika, and St. Louis encephalitis. Contracting these diseases may be more common than many people realize, as there is an average of 2,500 cases of West Nile alone reported in the U.S. each year (via National Park Service).


Given the danger they present, not to mention the annoyance, it is little wonder that homeowners go to great measures to banish mosquitoes from their yards. While there are countless chemical-based products available to aid in the battle against these bloodsuckers, a growing number of Americans are seeking natural remedies to control mosquitoes. While natural oils and scents, as well as common baking products can be used to combat mosquitoes, there is no natural remedy better than utilizing the mosquito's enemy to control their numbers. So, if you're looking for a non-toxic solution, you can keep mosquitoes at bay by attracting this other bug to your yard.

Dragonflies can help with a mosquito problem

One of the main items in the diet of dragonflies are mosquitoes, which is why often after a heavy rain event you may see dragonflies swarming your yard. They are there to take advantage of the mosquito hatch that often follows such happenings, providing dragonflies with a sudden abundance of food. Given that dragonflies are capable of eating hundreds of mosquitoes a day, it is easy to see how a large number of them could quickly decimate a mosquito population nearby. While they will show up on their own if large numbers of mosquitoes are present, there are also ways to attract dragonflies to your yard and garden to ensure an ample number are present to control the bloodsucker population.


One of the main ways to attract dragonflies to your yard is to add a water feature, as dragonflies lay eggs in water and spend much of their lives as aquatic larva.  Adding both submerged and emergent aquatic plants to your water feature will enhance its appeal to dragonflies. Although this may seem counterproductive, as mosquitoes are also attracted to and spawn in water, having a large population of dragonflies will be more than sufficient to offset any mosquito hatch from your water feature. It is also good to add a variety of plants throughout your yard and garden, while still leaving plenty of open space, to help attract dragonflies. You should also avoid using any chemical pesticides or herbicides, as dragonflies are very sensitive to such chemicals. By taking these few simple steps, you can increase the amount of dragonflies in your yard, which will help limit the number of mosquitoes.


